Oum Hadjer Batha distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Oum Hadjer, Batha) from the seas and oceans -Chad
Buga Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Buga, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
South Perth Western Australia distance to the nearest coastline (How far is South Perth, Western Australia) from the seas and oceans -Australia
Dankama Katsina distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Dankama, Katsina) from the seas and oceans -Nigeria
Libon Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Libon, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Silongin Quezon distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Silongin, Quezon) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Choluteca Choluteca distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Choluteca, Choluteca) from the seas and oceans -Honduras
Bakadagy Upper River distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Bakadagy, Upper River) from the seas and oceans -Gambia
Basse Upper River distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Basse, Upper River) from the seas and oceans -Gambia
Ciudad Choluteca Choluteca distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Ciudad Choluteca, Choluteca) from the seas and oceans -Honduras
San Ségou distance to the nearest coastline (How far is San, Ségou) from the seas and oceans -Mali
Kollo Tillabéri distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Kollo, Tillabéri) from the seas and oceans -Niger
San Sebastian de Yali Jinotega distance to the nearest coastline (How far is San Sebastian de Yali, Jinotega) from the seas and oceans -Nicaragua
San Agustin Córdoba distance to the nearest coastline (How far is San Agustin, Córdoba) from the seas and oceans -Argentina
Dulangan Mindoro Oriental distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Dulangan, Mindoro Oriental) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Del Rosario Camarines Sur distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Del Rosario, Camarines Sur) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Buluang Camarines Sur distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Buluang, Camarines Sur) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Conchagua La Unión distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Conchagua, La Unión) from the seas and oceans -Salvador
Madarounfa Maradi distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Madarounfa, Maradi) from the seas and oceans -Niger
Basse Santa Su Upper River distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Basse Santa Su, Upper River) from the seas and oceans -Gambia