San Juan de Limay Estelí distance to the nearest coastline (How far is San Juan de Limay, Estelí) from the seas and oceans -Nicaragua
San Jeronimo Choluteca distance to the nearest coastline (How far is San Jeronimo, Choluteca) from the seas and oceans -Honduras
Mosman Park Western Australia distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Mosman Park, Western Australia) from the seas and oceans -Australia
Victoria Mindoro Oriental distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Victoria, Mindoro Oriental) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Paulba Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Paulba, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Rabak White Nile distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Rabak, White Nile) from the seas and oceans -Sudan
Pansoy Quezon distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Pansoy, Quezon) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Cabognon Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Cabognon, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Thiruthani Tamil Nadu distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Thiruthani, Tamil Nadu) from the seas and oceans -India
Tinago Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Tinago, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
El Obeid North Kordufan distance to the nearest coastline (How far is El Obeid, North Kordufan) from the seas and oceans -Sudan
Pantao Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Pantao, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
La Concordia Jinotega distance to the nearest coastline (How far is La Concordia, Jinotega) from the seas and oceans -Nicaragua
Cottesloe Western Australia distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Cottesloe, Western Australia) from the seas and oceans -Australia
Naravarikuppam Tamil Nadu distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Naravarikuppam, Tamil Nadu) from the seas and oceans -India
Intipuca La Unión distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Intipuca, La Unión) from the seas and oceans -Salvador
Bigaa Albay distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Bigaa, Albay) from the seas and oceans -Philippines
Maine Soroa Diffa distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Maine Soroa, Diffa) from the seas and oceans -Niger
Elobeid North Kordufan distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Elobeid, North Kordufan) from the seas and oceans -Sudan
Ad Dindar Sennar distance to the nearest coastline (How far is Ad Dindar, Sennar) from the seas and oceans -Sudan